
Karlee Ferry


Business entities across the globe have to report financial performances based on IASB [International Accounting Standard Board]. IASB has issued International Financial Reporting Standards that are widely used to measure the company’s financial health. Every company started on or after 1st January 2003 has to adhere to SFRS.

Complexities of Singapore Financial Reporting Standards

In Singapore, there is a majority of Small & Medium-sized entities [SMEs]. The SMEs were not feeling confident about their compliance status. If SMEs comply with the full SFRS [Singapore Financial Reporting Standards] their valuable small resources are burdened. To resolve this issue, the IASB issued IFRS focused on SMEs around the world. The key question that arises among SMEs is which account reporting standard to comply with – full SFRS or SFRS for small entities.

Bookkeeping and accounting are crucial components of every successful corporation. From its core functions associated with payments, bookkeeping, and audits to tax advice, preparation, and reassurance, there is not a single part of the business that doesn’t involve an accountant.

It is universally approved that the importance of accounting in Singapore or anywhere around the world cannot be ignored. The standards in Singapore are called SFRS or Singapore Financial Reporting Standards. In Singapore, there are 41 different standards like FRS 1, FRS 2, etc. Everyone covers specific topics like financial statement presentation, revenue recognition, inventories accounting, etc. It is sensible to take professional help from trustworthy and experienced Jaz Corporate Pte Ltd.

Importance of Account Services To Your Business

Advice on compliance to SFRS 

Until a couple of months ago every entity registered in Singapore adhered to full SFRS regardless of its size. Now, there is an introduction of simplified or new SFRS for SE. Companies have to review their business nature and growth plans before they adopt the standards.

Professional accountants can help you to identify which standard to comply with – full SFRS or simplified SFRS for SE. They will take into consideration the challenges like future plans, transition cost, financing, and impact on other holding companies [if any].

Offers insightful financial analysis

The business goal is to look for opportunities that help them expand. An in-depth and detailed accounting analysis can help to manage the key costs as well as identify business opportunities. When your business grows its capacity and complexity also escalates. Efficient accounting analysis can help to keep cash flow smooth and scale business opportunities efficiently at optimal costs.

Offer robust financial statement

Accounting is not just counting money. It is also about monitoring every transaction in a systematic way including the sales, expenses, payments, and reimbursements. Professionals make sure that the bookkeeping and accounting performance of each department is documented properly. It can be crucial to evaluate employee performance, make core business decisions, or even if there is a need for tax audits.

Offer vital tax service and advice

Accountants are the first point of contact when the subject is about business tax planning, preparing, and filing. Every SME needs professional help from accounting services to prepare their annual tax statement to file their yearly returns. Tax reporting does not feel time-consuming and overwhelming as professionals ensure that timelines are maintained and returns are prepared properly.

Focus better on business growth

You started a business to expand and flourish. Therefore, focus on what you are good at rather than keeping up with the bookkeeping and accounting elements. Financial matter handling needs plenty of attention to the nitty-gritty and staying updated about the protocols associated with tax laws.

If you spend time understanding the financial reporting standards and tax laws then the core business activities you are passionate about will suffer. Therefore, shift financial responsibilities on competent accounting services in Singapore.

Cash flow management

Cash is crucial for business survival. Financial status determines your business’s success or collapse. At the time of significant business growth, you feel tempted to ignore accounting tasks. Lack of accounting can lead to mismanagement of collections or financial analysis. This can soon lead your business to the verge of bankruptcy.

Improper cash flow management is risky and becomes the core cause of business failure without your knowledge. Hiring a reliable accounting firm is helpful because they are skilled in proper cash flow management.

Timely payments

Bills need to be paid on time, if ignored you will have to handle unhappy vendors as well as lose discounts. Invoicing delays can jeopardize business cash flow. A committed accounting firm will ensure that your payments and invoicing process are on time. This defines the healthy status of your business finances.

Partnering with credible Singapore accounting services means you tap in well-trained and vast experienced staff. Regardless of the business size, they are focused on making the right financial decision, especially financial reporting standards and tax matters. If your company accounts are being neglected and need extra attention then choose a reliable accounting firm in Singapore with talent and resources to enhance your financial status.


If you need money urgently, tokens or cryptocurrencies can be sold on an exchange, exchanging them for dollars or any other currency. Thanks to this, it is easy to know the asset’s value at any time. And this is the undeniable advantage of a loan secured by cryptocurrency. The lender receives as collateral an asset with a completely clear value.

To date, two types of Crypto Lending can be distinguished:

  • The first option is fully decentralized lending, which involves smart contracts, special programs that spell out the relationship between the borrower and the lender. From the technical point of view, it is a very interesting solution because everything is determined by the program code, which controls the fulfillment of obligations by both parties. However, the use of a smart contract does not allow for the addition of loan agreements, refinancing, or fiat money in the transaction.
  • The second type of cryptocurrency, which I consider the most promising, is a loan secured by existing assets. As you know, cryptocurrency has its value, and you can always find out how much it is worth today on the exchange. In the same way, your house, car, or land has value. And lending institutions and other companies with the appropriate licenses are willing to lend against these values.

When the Crypto Lending is backed by cryptocurrency, the point of scoring disappears. Even real estate can be insufficient collateral because no one knows exactly how much it will be worth when it is sold. And the price of the cryptocurrency can be found out in a split second.

But there is a downside to this feature. The borrower needs to remember that the value of tokens is determined by market demand and quotes on exchanges. Therefore, lenders usually hedge against a possible drop in the collateral value when granting a loan. A typical option is to demand urgent repayment of the loan or part of it to increase the size of the collateral. Or the parties agree in advance on the automatic sale of tokens in the event of a rapid decline in their price.

Features of Crypto Lending

The adoption rate of cryptocurrency is still far from ideal. Most car dealerships, travel and real estate agencies, brokers, and other places to spend your credit are still not getting along with cryptocurrency. Now you may ask – why even bother with cryptocurrency lending?

Crypto Lending Instant. Cryptocurrency lending is a lot like fiat: it’s capital issued to you that you can use right away. But with cryptocurrency, you can access that loan in minutes, regardless of its size.

Crypto Lending requires no permission, is available to everyone, and is unlimited. Compared to banks, the only thing you require for a bitcoin lending service is the amount of cryptocurrency you can temporarily provide as collateral. That’s why cryptocurrency lending platforms don’t require a credit check or documentation. This is what makes them accessible to all people in the world: even if you have no credit history (or bad credit) or even a bank account, you can get a loan.

Crypto Lending is limitless: your maximum loan amount depends only on the amount of cryptocurrency you can provide as collateral. If your loan-to-value ratio is 50%, you will need to invest 1 BTC to get $13,000 or USD. A loan-to-value indicator is used by lending services to protect against loss of funds. To get Crypto Lending online, you just need to have a safe wallet to store and use cryptocurrency and provide other cryptocurrencies as collateral. In this article, we’ve described the top hacks on how to increase your income by giving out cryptocurrency loans and explained the risks.


Cryptocurrency lending is an excellent substitute for classic exchanges and cryptocurrency exchanges. Instead of selling your cryptocurrency, it is better to keep it with you but make it bring value at the same time.

Cryptocurrency lending is quite a dangerous activity, both for the lender and the borrower. The advantage of this process is that the credit system, in this direction, is not quite developed yet. And this means that there is no clear interest rate, and if you look hard, you may find an offer that’s good for you. And because of this, you can act as an intermediary just like regular banks do: borrowing money at a low-interest rate from the Central Bank and giving it away at a much higher rate to the borrower.

Because there is no fixed interest rate, lenders are freer to act. If the borrower has no choice, lenders can lend at high-interest rates. In these situations, it is advisable to pay off the loan as soon as possible to not overpay too much in interest. Remember that lending is an additional way to hedge risk. It turns out that crypto lending has both advantages and disadvantages. But even with the disadvantages, you can understand that this industry is growing fast and has potential in the future.

Security is a major issue for businesses. It is important to find the right security weapons that will work for your business and keep it protected.

There are many different types of security weapons, but they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, while some people might prefer guns because they are more powerful, others may prefer pepper spray because it’s less lethal and has a shorter range.

Here, we will provide an overview of the different types of security weapons that are available for businesses to choose from. We’ll also go over what factors you should consider when making your decision.

What is the best weapon for your business security?

In today’s world of business, it is important to protect your company and your customers. You need to know how to keep your data safe and secure. To do this, you will need a weapon that is strong enough to withstand any attack.

There are many different types of weapons that can be used for business security purposes. However, not all of them will work for every situation. You need to find the best weapon for your needs before anything else. Buy tactical shotguns online from Palmetto State Armory, it is one of the best weapon for business security.

There are two main types of weapons that you should be aware of when it comes to security. These are firewalls and antivirus programs. Firewalls are used to block hackers from accessing the network or system, while antivirus programs try and stop viruses from entering the system or network as well as remove any malware that has already entered.

Gun Control Laws and What You Need to Know in Order to Remain Compliant

Gun control laws are something that everyone needs to be aware of. This is because there are many different types of gun laws and it is important to understand them in order to remain compliant.

Some people may think that they can get away with not following the law because they believe they will never be caught or punished. But this is not the case. There are a number of reasons why people break the law, including ignorance, lack of understanding, and a lack of knowledge about how serious the consequences can be if they do get caught.

Pistol – The Most Commonly Used Security Weapon in the US

Pistols are the most commonly used security weapons in the United States. They are usually small and lightweight, which makes them easy to carry.

The first pistols were developed in the 17th century, but they became popular after Samuel Colt invented a revolver design in 1836.

Pistols can be fired from one hand, making them easier to use than rifles when you need to shoot without having to carry something heavy on your shoulder or arm.

They can also be fired with one hand which is useful for people who have injuries on their dominant arm or when carrying something heavy with one arm (like a bag).

Rifles – A Useful Security Weapon When Your Property is Largely Outdoors

When you own a large property, it is not unusual for you to have an outdoor space. However, this can be a problem when you need to keep your property safe. There are many ways in which you can do this, but one of the most effective is by purchasing a rifle.

The use of rifles as security weapons has been on the rise in recent years. This is because they are highly effective and allow the owner to protect their property from intruders without being seen. Furthermore, they are also easy to use and allow for accuracy at long range distances, even when shooting from a standing position or prone position on the ground.

Shotguns – A Versatile Security Weapon For Those With a Home or Business with a Large Commercial Area

Shotguns are a versatile security weapon for those with a home or business with a large commercial area. They are able to provide defense against intruders, and can be used as a deterrent.

Shotguns are able to provide defense against intruders and can be used as a deterrent. Shotguns can be used in many different ways, and should not be seen as just an offensive weapon.

There are many strategies that can be used to profit from trading stocks. Shorting stocks is one of the most popular strategies for investors, but it does come with some risks. What is shorting a stock? How does it work? And what are the benefits and drawbacks of this strategy? Keep reading to learn more about how to profit from shorting stocks.

What Is Shorting a Stock?

If you have a stock that has gone down in value, but you think it will go up in the near future, then you can short sell. In other words, you’re selling a stock you don’t own. This creates a “short position” on the stock. You then buy the stock back later at a lower price and cover your position. The investor makes a profit by borrowing a stock at a lower rate and then waiting for it to fall.

Benefits of Shorting Stocks

Shorting stocks is one of the more popular trading strategies. When you short a stock, you borrow shares on the open market and sell them with the hope that they decrease in price. If this happens, you’ll buy back the shares at a lower price and make a profit. But what are the benefits and drawbacks of this strategy? 

The benefits of shorting stocks include:

It’s easy to do: 

You don’t need any special skills or training to short stocks. All you need is money to invest in the stock, which you can get by borrowing it from your broker.

You can make money when others lose money : 

This strategy is based on an expectation that prices will go down; if they do, then you’ll make money from those who have invested from those higher prices.

You’re betting against the market :  

It’s important to remember that when you’re shorting a stock, you’re betting against what other people think about that company or industry as a whole.


Have you been hesitant to start buying and selling NFTs because of what you’ve been hearing people say about them?

When it comes to NFTs, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. It’s possible to make a lot of money from them, but it’s also possible to lose it all. This is why it’s important that you are well-informed about whether or not they’re worth investing in. 

If you want to find out about the biggest NFT use cases myths, read on and we’ll tell you what you need to know.

What Are NFTs?

NFT’s, also known as non-fungible tokens, are digital assets whose value is recorded on a blockchain

A blockchain is a type of distributed ledger technology that records transactions that happen on a network. The great thing about a blockchain is that it is very difficult for hackers to tamper with.

At the same time, the blockchain makes it possible for people to track ownership of digital assets in a way that is transparent for everybody to see. 

There are many different forms of NFTs. This includes images, videos, audio, and even 3D animations. 

NFT Myths: NFTs Have No Value

Many people say that if an NFT is just a piece of digital art that owners publish online, can’t anybody simply copy it and say it’s their own?

What these people don’t understand is that when somebody sells an asset on a blockchain network, this transaction is permanently recorded onto it. This means that it’s impossible for somebody to return and alter this record of ownership. 

If somebody wants to take a screenshot of an NFT and claim it as their own, they can do this. But they’re not going to get very far before they get caught. 

There are great marketplaces where people buy and sell NFTs which you can find out about here

They Are Ruining the Environment 

The truth is that some types of blockchains have a bigger carbon footprint than others. Since people use these blockchains to buy and sell NFTs, it’s possible that you’re contributing to the release of fossil fuels by buying them. 

NFTs run on the Ethereum network, which does use lots of energy to run. But this blockchain technology is moving in the direction of becoming more energy efficient. In the future, NFTs will not be using very much energy. 

People Use Them for Money Laundering

There is lots of research that says that criminals use hard money much more often for money laundering than cryptocurrencies. It’s also important to remember that everything recorded on a blockchain is totally transparent. When people break the law, their actions get recorded in the ledger. 

Get Started in Buying and Selling NFTs Today

There are many things that people say about NFTs that simply are not true. By being informed about NFT myths, it’s easy to see that they are powerful assets that are here to stay. 

If you want to find out more about NFTs, don’t forget to check out the Investing section of our website. We publish many important articles on this subject.