
Karlee Ferry


In this guide we have collected all the concepts you need to know before getting closer to the world of forex trading. These are technical but basic definitions, which you will need to know if you want to invest correctly in the currency market.

Take your time to delve into them, perhaps by taking a forex trading course or learning in the field by practicing with a forex demo account.


Forex margin and leverage

Leverage is a money lending mechanism that amplifies the investor’s trading capital.

The return on capital will be increased by the leverage effect guaranteed by the brokerage companies, while the maximum loss is the invested capital.

Margin is a deposit that the investor (trader) must keep in his account in order to continue operating on the market. It is a guarantee for the broker against potential losses.

Guarantee Margin: Allows traders to take leverage positions with a fraction of the capital needed to fund transactions. In stock markets, the allowed margin is usually 50%, which means that the buyer has double his real purchasing power.

In the Forex market, leverage usually varies between 1% and 2%, depending on the brokers and the risks they are willing to take.

What short and long mean

Going long will mean buying the first currency of the pair and selling the second at the same time, going short will mean selling the first currency and buying the second of the pair.

The concept is quite simple, a little less understanding in reality how to behave. Let’s take a practical example just to clarify.

In the event that market analyzes predict a future strengthening of the Euro, the most logical action will be to buy Euros, right? In that case we will go long waiting for the future strengthening of the currency.

If, on the other hand, the analyzes speak of a probable strengthening of the US dollar, it will be obvious to sell Euros and buy dollars. We will therefore go short on the EUR / USD pair taken as an example.

Once this is understood, it will be easier to enter this market, basically long and short are the two actions that will allow the investor to speculate and therefore earn on the purchase and sale of currencies.

Spread: meaning

Also in this case the concept will seem difficult, but only at the beginning. To put it simply:

The spread is the difference between the buy and sell price of a given pair.

In fact, by opening a position you will notice that it will not be in a breakeven position, as you would expect, but in reality it will be a few pips below the purchase price.

So if we had the opportunity to immediately close the position in question we would find ourselves with a small loss. It is precisely the spread.

All this will be even clearer by observing the bid values, the buy and ask cost, the selling price of a given currency. These will never be identical.

What is the Pip?

Let’s immediately clarify what we are talking about when we refer to the Pip already mentioned: it is that very slight possible variation present in the exchange rate of two currencies in pairs.

The Pip is the smallest swing that moving prices can make. To operate well on the forex market, you need to be able to calculate your losses and gains following an investment.

Also in this the Foreign Exchange system is very simple: it depends on the open position and the number of lost or gained pips.

Stop loss and Take Profit

Finally we close the discussion with the stop loss and take profit, two tools that it is good to learn to handle with dexterity. These will save your assets when you decide to invest in particularly volatile markets or when you cannot stand in front of your forex trader station.

With the stop loss it is possible to set a loss margin at which the position will be closed directly from the platform. Set this level and remember not to change it, it could be your luck.

The take profit is different, although conceptually very similar to the stop loss. The tool will set a profit margin at which the operation will be closed. This will allow the investor to collect what he had set and to focus on other positions.

Are you looking for great mortgage rates in Austin? No matter what your financial background is, you can get a mortgage within your fixed budget only with a little bit of hard work. It is advised to make sure that the person looking for the mortgage has conducted thorough research in this field. It is important to do the research work so that they are able to compare the rates and then decide for themselves.

For people who are lazy, this article might be helpful. This article aims in bringing before the readers a compared rate, some information about the confirmation of mortgage loans, and about the second mortgage.

Mortgage rates

Mortgage rates in Austin often go through a frequent change. These changes need to be tracked for the benefit of those who are looking for the mortgage rates. The mortgage rates fall under four different categories – the 30years (3.083), 20 years (3.26), 15 years (2.848) and 10 years (2.966) of fixed-rate, and 5/1 (2.878), 7/1 (3.573), 3/1 (0) adjustable rates. In order to get a fair idea of the ever-fluctuating mortgage loans, it is important to do some research work.

Second mortgage

In order to arrange for the equity required for the home, many people are considering on the second mortgage.  There are two reasons which make these people think about a second mortgage.  Those two are as follows:

  • First mortgages are priced according to the competition. There is no risk of first mortgages from the second mortgage.
  • There is a minimal mortgage rates in Austin with the second mortgage. The risk is also lower than the debts which come without any kind of security.
  • A second mortgage might be a good idea, but some research needs to be done in order to be able to make sure that the disadvantages of it do not conquer the advantages.

Conforming mortgage

Confirmation for a private loan especially comes from private lenders, but they are backed by the chartered agencies of the Federal government. Both lower classes, as well as middle class (in terms of income) people, are able to apply for the loan for buying a house. It has been seen that with the help of the federal agencies, the conforming mortgage is not as expensive as those which fall under the non-conforming mortgages and do not enjoy the backing of the federal. Thus mortgage rates in Austin might differ.

Invoice factoring is a simple process that is slowly replacing bank loans. In this process, businessmen are required to sell their invoices to these companies at affordable rates in exchange for cash upfront. This enables businesses to get their much-needed funds and hence operate normally, without having to worry about any customer’s delayed payment. Many companies are now taking more and more advantage of this factoring process. Media companies, government contractors, advertisers, staffing companies and every other company prefer this method.

How Invoice Factoring Works?

The process begins with a simple transaction when a business sells its invoices for the first time to a factoring company. The factoring fee charged is extremely minimal which is why businesses find it an extremely preferable option. The company would demand a small reserve between 5 to 30 % of the total invoice value that customers haven’t paid yet. This is charged to that the company can protect against the losses.

The Costs of Invoice Factoring

There are various factors on which the discount rate depends on. Some of them are:

  • The Discount Rate

Usually, the amount of charged ranges from 1 to 6% every month. Depending on this factor, the rate might be accrued on a weekly, daily, or monthly basis. The more your customers delay to clear the invoices, the more factoring fee would you need to pay. Also, the fee becomes more if the risks associated with the transactions is high. If your customers aren’t reliable or professionals, you might have to incur high fees.

  • Other Common Fees

Apart from the discount rate, other factors are taken into consideration. They are as follows:

Application fee: A certain amount of fee would be charged to examining your application and setting up the necessary arrangements.

Diligence fee: This is also called a setup fee. This is the second category of the upfront fee. It’s charged to perform credit checks and other things to open an account.

Maintenance fees: Also called administration or servicing fees, this is a catch-all fee that covers any or all costs associated with keeping your current updated.

When you are looking for a factoring company, choose one that you can trust. Not only that, make sure it offers suitable terms and conditions which are flexible and convenient. If you are unsure about which one to choose, you can discuss with an invoice factoring broker Singapore

The bank is interested in your construction project. To grant you your loan, it analyzes the address of the house. It takes into account the distance from your workplace to calculate your remaining living. It prefers to finance well-placed and well-served projects, which best withstand a possible fall in property prices. In the event of non-payment, the house, which serves as a credit guarantee via the mortgage or the surety, will be resold and the bank is logically very attached to the value of its guarantee. You can consult Mlcalc for the loan calculator now.

Construction contract and credit

The banks view projects built under the regime of the Contract for the construction of a single-family house (CCMI-law of 1990) very favorably, since they necessarily contain a guarantee of delivery at agreed prices and deadlines. Thus, the bank is certain that the house (which guarantees the credit) will indeed be completed. Outside of CCMI, banks are more difficult to grant credit, with some refusing it. Whatever the legal framework, they often require the damage insurance certificate to lend.

Good to know: keep some financial leeway to deal with any unforeseen events that may cause additional expenses. Do not forget the sums necessary for the arrangement of the garden.

Watch the interest rate on your credit

It is established by the bank based on your file. The more it considers it risky, the more the rate will rise. For example, it will be higher for a twenty-five-year loan with 10% contribution than for a fifteen-year loan with 30% contribution.

Your rate and your borrower profile. It is this criterion of duration which will influence the rate the most. In other words, it is not because your income is average or your contribution is not very important that the rate is going to be more expensive. Don’t forget that the most secure profile for a bank is that of the “good father”, who manages his money seriously, who is able to save and who respects his commitments.

Namely: the rate is important, but it is not everything. Also take into account the ancillary costs, guarantees, insurance, but also operational flexibility (modular and / or deferred monthly payments) to choose the right one. In short, base yourself on the quality / price ratio of your credit.

Borrow at a fixed rate

Should you choose a fixed rate or adjustable rate loan? To make the right decision, we must first recall what these two funding formulas consist of.

Fixed rate loans

From the signing of the contract, you know the interest rate, the amount of monthly payments and the due date of the loan. If, in the months or years to come, the rates increase, your loan, it will not budge. But you won’t profit from future declines.

Revisable rate credits

They can vary upwards or downwards depending on a benchmark. An increase is reflected first on the duration and then on the amount of the monthly payment. To reduce this risk, you can choose a revisable with an upward stopper: the cap. With a cap of 1, a revisable 1.50% will not exceed 2.50%. 


Due to the recent upgrade of Yamana Gold Inc to the number to Zacks rank, help set making the number one choice for the investors to invest and. It shows an upward trend in the earnings estimates and making it one of the most impactful stock prices, which have to bring this change to the value in the stock market. One of the things that are eating depends upon is the change in the earnings picture. It helps in tracking down the EPS estimate of the following and the current used to understand the sell-side analysts. It can help in covering the stock through a standard measure by using the Zacks consensus estimate. 

What is affecting stock prices?

The change in the earnings potential is shown in the earnings estimate revisions. By checking out the near-term price movement of the stock can show a strong correlation. There is some influence for the investors,which contributes to the relationship as these professionals use these earnings and the estimates to calculate the fair value of the NYSE: AUY shares at When there is an increase or decrease in the estimate of the valuation, then it shows a lower or higher fair value for the stock.

Using the earnings estimate revisions

The research was shown that there is a strong relationship between the earnings estimate revision, along with the near term stock investments. Bytracking down, the revisions will help in making the right decisions, which will provide rewards for the parties.TheZacks rank system helps in harnessing the power of the earnings estimate revisions at NYSE: AUY. There are four factors related to the earnings estimate to help in separating them into five different groups. By checking out, all this information will help you to understand the revaluation through which the ranking is given.

Earnings Estimate Revisions for Yamana Gold

During the year and which is December 2017 former, it is said that the gold mining company will have earn point to $2 for every share, which is about 69.2 % from the previous year. It is said that the analyst has been slowly raising their estimates for the Yamaha gold from the past three months. The consensus estimate is also grown by 37% for the company.

When you check out the Wall Street analyst, you will find that it is often favorable towards the recommendation. When you check out the Zack rating system, it shows you an equal proportion for buying and selling ratings.Itwill help you to provide you the right information without any market condition. So, you have to understand the placement of stock in the top 20%. You can do stock trading at free commission trading platforms.

Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.