


Investors frequently need help with the decision of whether to purchase a few high-priced stock units or numerous low-priced stock units. After all, expensive stocks often represent the market’s belief in their values and, thus, their quality. At the same time, investors are attracted to cheap equities because of their potential for rapid development.

Low-Priced Stocks: What Are They?

As the name indicates, low-priced equities trade at a reduced price on stock markets. Some financial experts define low-priced equities as costing less than $20. A similar price might alter over time, and there must be a precise definition. Generally speaking, low-priced stocks trade a price that allows the average person to readily purchase one unit without giving it much thought. The risk and volatility characteristics of low-priced and high-priced stocks and their distinctions are discussed in this article.

Low-Priced Stocks’ Risks

Compared to high-priced equities, low-priced stocks are riskier. Such equities sometimes come from smaller, less well-known enterprises. As a result, they might come with a high liquidity risk, meaning it can be challenging to acquire or sell them when you want to.

Additionally, such equities may be simple for con artists to manipulate, which increases the likelihood that investors would suffer significant losses.

High-Priced Stocks: What Are They?

Stocks traded at a greater price on stock exchanges are referred to as high-priced stocks. Some financial experts define high-priced equities as having a price above 500. A similar price may alter over time, and once more, there is no precise definition.

High-Priced Stocks’ Risks

Investments in stocks are inherently risky. Stocks with higher prices, however, are less risky than those with lower prices. This is because these businesses are frequently well-established and have demonstrated their potential over time. In addition, since there may always be adequate buyers and sellers for these equities, the liquidity risk is often more negligible.

High-priced equities often exhibit consistent growth and may require a longer investment horizon to generate a profit. Additionally, high-priced stocks sometimes have a larger price-to-earnings ratio, which implies that you could pay more for these stocks concerning their respective firms’ earnings.

The effect of High-Low Pricing

This pricing technique is employed by almost all retail companies that offer items to the general public. As a result, companies can increase flash sales and impulsive purchases by providing a product at a discount that is twice as great as its usual price. As a result, customers are persuaded to buy by a strong sense of urgency regardless of whether they genuinely need the product and ignore price gouging.


For any investor, returns are the factor that counts most when it comes to investments. But, unfortunately, the greatest indicator isn’t necessarily the stock’s retail price. Low-priced equities can occasionally increase in value and reward investors, but this is extremely unlikely.

On the other hand, high-priced equities are worth more than Rs 500. Therefore, the majority of investors trust these companies because they have the potential to provide better returns.

Pricey stocks are very profitable in both the short- and long term. Investors must first make a sizable investment in higher-priced equities.

All of us want to be and have the best, let alone be that in any part of life. Then, how are we supposed to want less than the best when it comes to choosing the mutual funds that we want to invest in? Growing financially also means choosing the right mutual funds down the lane. So, let’s get started at knowing how you can select the top-performing mutual funds in the Indian investment landscape.

What are Top-Performing Mutual Funds (Meaning)

Top-performing mutual funds in India have a track record of outperforming the market over a three to five-year period. In terms of performance, these funds would have exceeded their benchmark and peer funds. You must look at the fund’s performance over the prior business cycles.

How to Choose the Best Mutual Fund in 2022

A lot of investors pace the floor or stall when it comes to choosing their investment tools, just know that you do not have to do that – you can simply read into the points that are mentioned below to know the best mutual funds to invest in right now:

  1. a) The History of the Funds is a Must – 

The fund’s history gives a record of the performance of the fund over time, including market ups and downs. This demonstrates the fund’s tenacity in the face of turbulent market conditions.

Because newly launched mutual funds and funds that are up for subscription lack a track record, it is impossible to anticipate their returns and performance throughout market cycles. The greatest mutual fund to invest in is one that has a strong track record of producing consistent returns across market cycles. It also provides evidence of well-researched investment techniques.

  1. b) Who is the Fund Manager? –

The fund manager is in charge of overseeing the fund’s operations. It is critical to examine the fund manager’s track record. An investor should keep track of the fund’s performance during market ups and downs. They can also examine the performance of the fund manager’s various plans.

  1. c) The Expense Ratio Can’t Be Overlooked –

The cost ratio is expressed as a percent or rate of the fund’s assets and is charged by the fund house along with other costs for managing the assets of a fund. The net return achieved by the investor will be the mutual fund returns minus the expense ratio. If an investor’s expense ratio is high, his or her returns will be reduced. As a result, while selecting a fund, an investor should opt for a plan with a lower expense ratio than its counterparts in the category.

  1. d) How Consistent is This Fund? –

Top-performing mutual funds in India have a track record of outperforming the market over a three to five-year period. In terms of performance, these funds would have exceeded their benchmark and peer funds. You must look at the fund’s performance over the prior business cycles. Examine the fund’s performance, particularly during market downturns. A top-performing fund’s performance is less affected by market changes than the typical fund. However, past results do not guarantee future outcomes.

You may also look at the historical NAV of Mutual Funds and the most recent NAV of Mutual Funds to get a sense of the mutual fund’s track record.

  1. e) What is the Financial Ratio? –

Financial statistics such as alpha and beta can be used to identify India’s top-performing mutual funds.

Mutual fund returns are intrinsically connected to risk. A return is a rise in the wholesome value of the capital that has been invested. Risk is known as the uncertainty that surrounds an investment and refers to the chance of receiving no or negative returns due to a range of factors. As a result – any investor must evaluate the risk-return potential, which financial ratios have made possible.

Top-Performers of 2022

  • Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund (G)
  • Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund (G)
  • HDFC Floating Rate Debt Plan (G)
  • HDFC Overnight fund (G)
  • Parag Parikh Flexi Cap fund (G)
  • Parag Parikh Flexi Cap fund (G)
  • DSP Tax Saver Fund (G)
  • ICICI Prudential Liquid Fund (Growth)

Will a Mutual Fund Investment Be Your Best Choice?

If you fit into the below mentioned boxes, then this kind of an investment is meant for you:

Achievement of financial objectives: Investors who wish to achieve their investment objectives should invest in top mutual funds that meet their requirements. Investing in top mutual funds that have provided superior returns than their peers on a consistent base would help investors attain their goals faster.

Better returns than traditional savings choices: Traditional savings options provide a fixed interest rate. However, because it is almost risk-free, the returns on these savings strategies are similarly low. Mutual funds, on the other hand, cannot guarantee returns. It can, however, offer larger returns than typical saving choices such as bank fixed deposits.

People who want to invest on a regular basis: SIP allows you to invest in top mutual funds on a regular basis, such as monthly, weekly, or quarterly. You can achieve your investment goals by investing in the top SIP mutual fund. You can begin investing in mutual funds through SIP with as little as Rs. 100 per month in any of India’s best SIP schemes.

Professional money management: Fund managers are those who manage mutual funds. Their role is to pick the best equities or debt instruments to assist the fund earn high returns and meet its goals. Individuals seeking competent investment management can therefore invest in these top mutual funds.

Diversity: Depending on the type of fund, the best-performing mutual funds invest in a basket of securities that aid in diversification, regardless of the amount invested. Diversification reduces the negative impact on the overall portfolio of a single (or a few) investment security’s bad performance.

Final Thoughts

Growing in the share market is hard – that is exactly when mutual funds make it easy for you. But you would have to remember, and it gets easy only when you begin to invest in the right kind of funds.

To trade forex, one needs to manage one’s risks perfectly to avoid heavy losses. Trading tools are an excellent option to manage risks efficiently and in a simple way. The use of these tools guarantees an easy trading experience and profit. A trading calculator is one of these tools. It helps determine the amount of losses and profits, and manage risk before you make a decision to trade. Trading calculators are an essential tool for anyone looking to take a risk and determine the potential profit and to determine whether it’s worthwhile to invest in that trade or not.

Trading calculators come in many kinds. Traders employ various kinds of trading calculators to ensure that the overall view of their trades is in line with their business. This article will discuss the pip calculator, the profit calculator for forex and margin calculator. They all are crucial in forex trading. As it is profit that decides whether you succeed or fail in the forex market, calculating the potential profits of a particular transaction is vital. A trade that is positive signifies that you’ve earned an income, while the opposite is that you’ve suffered a loss. Pip value is the difference in value of currency. When a price quote is made, it’s usually the last decimal point. It is essential to calculate the pip value because it is the basic unit of measurement used in the market for foreign exchange. Fx pip calculators calculate the value of pip for every trade. If you wish to open and keep an account, you have to invest a small amount of capital. This collateral is called the margin and is described as a percentage of the funds in your account balance which your brokerage firm puts aside to keep your trade open and that you can pay for the loss from that trade. You can utilize a margin calculator to calculate how much margin your broker requires to open a trade.

You can use a trading calculator at no cost on all websites. It is accessible on the internet or download specialized software to use it. Utilizing a trading calculator is really simple; all you have to do is input the values you require in their respective fields, and the trading calculator does the work. Profit calculators are helpful in determining the correct risk-to-reward ratio. It can also help you decide whether you should enter a particular trade. To determine the risk per trade, use the pip calculator. The margin calculator lets you estimate the size of your trade and the amount of leverage you should use.

To use the forex trading profit calculator, you will need to know the currency pair you trade. You need the account or deposit currency in the account you are trading on, the trade size, which can be measured in units or lots units as well as the opening price and the closing price as well as the direction you want to take your trade, i.e. If you want to sell or purchase. Based on your input data the profit calculator determines the profit or loss you will incur. A positive number is profit , while a negative value indicates a loss. A pip calculator will calculate the value per pip. To calculate this, you need to understand the currency of your deposit along with the size of your trade in lots or units. The pip value calculator will calculate the value depending on the type of account you have (micro, mini, standard). To calculate the required margin in order to calculate the required margin, you must be aware of the currency pair and the leverage ratio. Based on the inputs, the margin calculator will calculate the required margin.

The management of risk is essential to ensure long-term success in the forex market. It is possible to ensure your market’s longevity for a long time by using tools such as forex calculators for trading. By understanding how to use a forex trading calculator, like pip value calculator, profit calculator or margin calculator, you will be aware of the numbers you have to know and the profit and risks of a particular trade. A calculator for trading can significantly increase your profitability in trading.

Trading calculators can be useful tools for forex traders who need to make calculations in order to understand the outcome of their wins and losses. The ability to calculate your outcomes in advance will enable you to decide how much you should take on a given trade. The best thing about trading calculators is their speed. They are simple and offer precise results. These tools are extremely useful in today’s volatile market. You will have a portfolio that is protected from excessive risk. They also help with risk management. This will improve your trade efficiency.

Not one, but many forex pip calculators simplify trading in different ways. They are useful in helping you manage and plan trades, as well as calculating the risks. A good plan will help you determine what you want to do as a trader and before you start a trade. Even if an experienced trader, it is still important to take caution when entering the markets. A trading strategy will help you stick to your goals, not lose patience or waver in the face of sudden fluctuations. Traders can also use trading calculators to assess whether the strategy suits their needs. A strategy is a way to see things from a different perspective and helps you plan the actions you should take in order achieve your goals. Because the forex market can be volatile and change constantly, a well-planned strategy is crucial for trading. This will help to minimize losses and increase your chance of making more.

There are several types of trading calculators that you can use in the forex market: Margin calculators, profit calculators and pip calculators. Pip, one of the most basic and important abbreviations that you’ll encounter in the forex trade market, is the key concept. PIP stands for the smallest price movement that a currency exchange rate can experience. For most currency pairs a pip equals 1/100 of a percent point. The price of pips depends on how large your lot is. The number of pips you make in a trade will affect how much you make. Pip could signify both an increase or decrease in currency value, which makes it easier and more straightforward to calculate wins or losses. A forex trader must understand pip to accurately calculate it. Because you’re less likely to make mistakes, using a pip calculator can make things easier.

Profit calculators are a great way to simplify the tedious process of calculating your profits and loss. It is enough to simply compare the closing and opening prices of an asset to calculate forex profit. Manual calculations can cause trader cognitive impairment and repeat mistakes. FX calculator helps traders reduce stress and increase their profits. Profit calculators will allow you to become a more focused, knowledgeable, and successful trader. Margin is the amount that you need to open or keep a trade open. It is the equivalent of setting aside a portion to keep your trades open. Margin calculators simplify difficult calculations by helping you calculate how much money is in your account when trading. It can help determine how much you should deposit. This will make sure you don’t lose any money if you open a position for which you don’t own enough funds.

Forex trading can be difficult and dangerous. Expertise in analysis and calculation is required. Trading calculators are a great innovation that eliminates the need to manually do complex calculations. This will allow you to save tons of time, effort, and money. As long as you’re willing to learn new things and be open to changing the market, your trading will improve. Trading can be a rewarding experience if you are able to keep your emotions in check, manage your time well, keep up with current affairs and spot the right opportunity.

It is obvious that traders must understand that reward and risk go hand in hands. Traders need to be prepared for any market risks and maximize the potential reward. This is an essential lesson in trading. You can’t continue to trade without learning it. Before you trade, you should know if your risk tolerance is high or low. Your profits depend on your decision about risk tolerance and profit goals. 

The trading calculators allow you to forecast trades and even predict their execution. They help you make trading plans, as well as help to avoid risk and maximize profits. You should incorporate a trading calculator when you trade.

The trading calculator software is basically a tool that traders use to determine how trades will impact their portfolio. It could tell you whether you will win or lose a trade and what risk level is appropriate for the trade. This also gives you an estimate of how much profit you could make on the trade so that you can plan your trade in a way that works for you and can take corrective action. It will help you seize opportunities and minimize your loss. A variety of trade calculators are available, including a Pip and Forex Profit calculator.

Forex Profit Calculator provides valuable information for forex traders. They can determine how much money they should invest in particular currencies and whether or not they should sell them at specific points. This will allow them to earn maximum profits. After you have entered the details about your trade, the calculator will show you the best place for it and tell you what you should do. It makes forex trading simpler.

Free pip Calculator helps you determine the value a pip is in your chosen currency. Just enter the amount for the currency you want, and the calculator will calculate the rest. It’s useful in calculating possible profit and loss. Margin Calculator helps you determine how much money you should deposit to maximize the benefits of trading and avoid losing money. It calculates how much money you will need to lower your losses in the event of a price rise. It also gives you an indication of how much money it will take to close any existing positions.

A trading calculator can be an asset in your trading journey. It is also a helpful tool that will allow you to move forward. A trading calculator helps you to calculate risk-reward, pip value, and other important information. Trading calculators are essential to making informed trading decisions.